In a dimly lit room full of books, a library guardian wearing a yellow shirt and headband answers the phone.

About The Lost Lending Library

The Lost Lending Library, Punchdrunk Enrichment’s immersive family experience made its first visit to the Edinburgh International Festival from 3-27 August 2023.

Calling all young people with great imaginations.

At 314 floors high and with 78 spiral side departments, The Lost Lending Library houses the largest collection of books and stories in the world. Books of all sizes and colours are crammed together on its shelves, stories bursting into life from their covers.

Inside one department is a trainee library guardian weighed down with responsibility. They need your help to learn how to believe in themselves, and appreciate their own unique talents.

In this immersive experience, discover a world of stories. Come on a journey that celebrates the search for knowledge and trying your best.

Suitable for young people aged 6–11 years and their parents or carers.

Punchdrunk Enrichment creates immersive, theatrical experiences that celebrate the power of the imagination. Since 2008 it has opened doors to magical worlds for children in education, family and community settings.

Punchdrunk Enrichment would like to express thanks to the members of The Lost Lending Library Giving Circle and the Maria Björnson Memorial Fund for their invaluable support towards the development of this production.